Pia Kjærsgaard har ved flere lejligheder udtrykt skepsis overfor de menneskeskabte klimaændringer.
A person or organization opposing the consensus on global warming.
Climate skeptic is used to describe those people who argue against all or some of the mainstream claims about antropogenic global warming.
In contrast to climate change deniers, climate skeptics are assumed to be honest in their opposition to the consensus. Mostly, climate skeptics are more concerned with particular areas of climate change and do not deny that global warming is happening.
Very few skeptics oppose the idea of climate change. They most often believe that the IPCC overstate the problem of anthropogenic global warming. Some believe that the natural component of climate change is more important than the human component. A related argument is that because climate change is very complex, we cannot really know how much it has changed due to human activity.
Some skeptics also argue that although there is climate change, there is no warming trend. They argue, instead, that there is now a cooling trend.
Some people agree that global warming is happening and is caused primarily by humans, but disagree with the measures that should be taken to mitigate it and how climate change should be prioritized compared to other problems. These people are also sometimes called climate skeptics. For example, Bjorn Lomborg has argued that more good can be done for people by spending less to mitigate global warming now, and then spend more later on adaptive measures.